Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Need for collaborative projects in business courses Essay Example for Free

Need for collaborative projects in business courses Essay Group projects are integral to the business curriculum and can be useful in developing students skills and abilities as managers. However, faculty encounter several problems with group projects, including assessing students efforts, aiding good communication and coordination among members, and making sure the project is a truly collaborative effort. Technology may aid in addressing these problems; electronic discussion boards and chat rooms, for example, can help faculty and students enhance collaboration and increase the accountability of group members. Keywords: Discussion boards, chat rooms, collaborative learning, student projects INCREASED GLOBAL COMPETITION and other changes in the business environment over the last several years have led organizations to restructure themselves. One aspect of that restructuring is a shifting of responsibility and decision making downward and a movement toward self-directed work teams (Cohen, 1993). To prepare students to thrive in this environment, we obviously need to teach them effective teamwork and communication skills. This article describes two tools that can help accomplish this task, the electronic discussion board and the chat room. These can foster interdependence in group projects and deeper, active learning. First, we discuss the need for and benefits of collaborative projects, the problems of group work, and the role of technology in such projects. We then provide recommendations for incorporating these electronic tools in business communication classes. Need for Collaborative Projects in Business Courses. As many researchers have noted, the structural shift towards teams occurring in many organizations should be reflected in the classroom (Bobbitt, Inks, Kemp, Mayo, 2000). Using groups in class thus prepares students to work collaboratively in the business environment while promoting collaborative learning in the classroom itself. The first benefit of group work in the classroom is that it teaches students how to work collaboratively in the business environment. Business organizations repeatedly indicate that the increased use of teams in the real world has increased students need for exposure and experience with teams (Buckenmyer, 2000). Companies that use teams creatively spend many hours and dollars training individuals to work in teams and training managers to manage teams. Through working in groups, students can enhance their abilities in setting goals, delegating work, and dealing with conflict (Colbeck, Campbell, Bjorklund, 2000). They can also improve their communication, leadership, problem solving, and technical skills. All of these skills are highly rated by recruiters and employers and will help graduates meet the demands and rigors of the workplace (McNally, 1994). The second benefit of group work is that these projects promote collaborative learning. University educators have embraced cooperative learning methods as ways to engage students and to foster cooperation (Ravenscroft, 1997). Researchers have found that the values of Generation X are highly individualistic, visually-oriented, and aligned with information technology, not with the sharing of information (Buckenmyer, 2000). Thus, group course projects, with proper guidance, can help these students learn to deal effectively with others. Group work learning can be an excellent way of encouraging the development of higher cognitive skills in students (Thorley Gregory, 1994) and can be effective even for relatively quiet group members. When groups work well, students consistently fare better in class, on tests, and in attitudes towards the instructor and each other (Jones Brickner, 1996). The quality of learning is improved by peer support, with students gaining experience in communication, negotiation, organization, and task management. Cooperative methods have been recognized as effective ways to motivate students to become actively involved in learning. The collaborative group project creates a forum that allows students to take an active approach towards their own education. The security of working within a group provides an excellent entree into the progression to independent and autonomous learning (Maguire Edmondson, 2001). Problems with Group Projects The many benefits of collaborative projects, however, are often offset by problems. First, a common problem is the failure of the group to work together effectively. Students may exert an individual effort but are unable to coordinate their efforts effectively with their group members to achieve any kind of synergistic benefits (Tullar, Kaiser, Balthazard, 1998). Group members need to be contributing their ideas, questioning and learning from each other, and building on the efforts of the other members. For collaborative learning to occur, students must coordinate the diverse skills and abilities of their group members to address a complex task (Tullar et al. , 1998). A second problem is that often group members simply divide a project so that each individual writes a portion. Then, just before the project is due, the students bring in their disks and combine files without coordinating their efforts or talents effectively. Third, group work often leads to unequal contributions of members, resulting in hitchhikers and workhorses (Cottell Millis, 1993). These hitchhikers, also called free riders and social loafers, can cause problems in the workflow of the group, as they do not do their fair share. Members of the group have difficulty addressing the free-rider problem and documenting the problem and their efforts to solve it (Gremler, Hoffman, Keaveney, Wright, 2000). The issue becomes one students word against anothers as the teacher tries to determine fair individual grades. Finally, group projects are often assigned without the allocation of class time for groups to develop cooperative skills or to become cohesive (Michaelsen, 1992). There is limited time in class to discuss both the needed topics and the mechanics of group management. In many cases, groups meet on evenings and weekends when faculty members are not available for assistance. Additionally, many group members are geographically and temporally dispersed, which makes organizing face-to-face group meetings difficult. The Role of Technology in Enhancing Collaborative Learning Active and cooperative learning approaches will be counterproductive unless they are thoughtfully implemented and well supported. Communication tools like discussion boards and chat rooms can be effective in inter-team collaboration as well as in faculty-student communication. These tools can help ease the problems discussed in the previous section. By solving these problems with technology, faculty can address three learning goals: empowering students, improving their communication skills, and developing their ability to work collaboratively. Finally, these technological communication tools offer teaching opportunities by allowing faculty to be more accessible to students and to track students efforts better. Addressing Group Project Problems Internet-based tools can be a tremendous help in coordinating team efforts, particularly when the team is geographically (whether by a few miles or a few thousand miles) or temporally dispersed (Kaiser, Tullar, McKowen, 2000). With technology, groups can meet either synchronously, using chat rooms, or asynchronously, using threaded discussion boards, in which group members contribute to the group discussion at times convenient to their schedules over a defined time period. These tools enable everyone in the group to talk at the same time or at their convenience by typing their comments into the forum that instantly distributes their comments. Additionally, strong personalities have greater difficulty dominating the group as everyone has equal access to the floor. Students may feel more comfortable presenting ideas this way than in a face-to-face meeting, and the quality and professionalism of their ideas may be higher, knowing that their participation is being monitored. The discussion forum also gives all students ample time for reflection so students responses are often more thoughtful than those in face-to-face situations. Studies have illustrated this level of increased and more evenly distributed participation from students in computer-supported groups (Tullar et al. , 1998). Addressing Learning Goals Projects provide opportunities for experiential learning, that is, students apply what they have learned to real-world situations and thus develop decision-making skills. But in doing so, projects often produce anxiety as students struggle to determine what answer the instructor wants. However, with these projects, whether it be a case, a report of a business issue, or a business plan, faculty are typically not searching for one right answer, but rather are concerned with the process that students use in solving problems. Teaching students to ask the right questions is thought to be more important than giving students the right answers. In the real world, there is neither one right answer nor is there a sage on a stage that can direct students to the right answer. Students need to learn how to find and to support the answers for themselves. The use of electronic discussion boards and chat rooms can aid student learning in the struggle through the project process. Thus, three learning goals can be addressed through the use of electronic discussion boards and chat rooms with experiential group projects: (1) empowering students to become active participants in their learning, (2) increasing students communication skills in describing and solving problems, and (3) enhancing students abilities to collaborate and work with others in developing their own resources in solving problems. To achieve these goals, education must involve interactivity among instructors, students, and the materials, and electronic discussion boards and chat rooms can enrich that interactivity. Providing Additional Teaching Opportunities Another advantage of these tools is the opportunity for faculty to participate in the discussions and e-mails. Faculty can use these tools to demonstrate concern for students and to provide additional accessibility and feedback. In fact, the transactional distance encourages faculty to maintain a facilitative role rather than an authoritative role (Moore, 1993). Finally, these tools make it easier for faculty and students to keep track of what everyone has said as there is a written record (Kaiser et al. , 2000). Students have the opportunity to reorganize and reshape their understanding of course content. The Web-based tools allow thoughts to be captured for future examination, elaboration, and extension. The end result is usually more robust and thoughtful discussions. In fact, threaded discussions can extend the time that both instructors and students invest in the course (Bruce Hwang, 2001). Recommendations for Using These Tools Many universities are starting to use various computer course tools or platforms to promote online learning. These platforms, such as BlackBoard or WebCT, can be used to design either Web-based or Web-assisted courses. For several years, we have used discussion groups and chat rooms in Web-based classes but have also found that communication can be enhanced in traditional classes through use of these tools. Since more business organizations are using electronic tools, such as Lotus Notes, to facilitate group meetings, using them in the classroom helps students further prepare for their careers. However, the wise faculty member will be advised that these tools should be used judiciously. Therefore, based on our experience, the following suggestions are made to faculty who are considering the use of Web-based tools. Discussion Boards Instructors and students can compose and post messages electronically on electronic discussion boards. Both public and private discussion forums can be implemented. With many computing platforms, such as WebCT, faculty can set up public forums to start threaded discussions for the class to which the students can respond electronically. Students can use these public forums to post questions to which the entire class can respond, such as for help in finding information for the project. A project normally seems easier when the instructor is discussing it in class and few questions arise. However, students questions occasionally occur after class or on weekends. The discussion board allows the opportunity for students to post problems asynchronously and to receive input from the class. The burden is no longer on the instructor to solve every problem as it occurs but is on the students to work with each other as well as with the instructor in solving problems. This is a tremendous lesson for students to learn to deal with problem solving in the real world. When an employer gives an employee a project or task to do, he/she expects the employee to do it on his/her own and not ask for assistance from the employer every step of the way. Students have to learn to be problem solvers on their own, and the use of electronic discussion boards helps develop that skill. The professors role is to help get the conversation started. For example, the instructor can post a question on the public project discussion board asking at which sites people are having success finding information for the project. The students can then respond. Those students who respond in a useful manner will be rewarded, such as with a participation grade. Those students or groups who do not respond can be asked on the discussion board for their input. When students see the progress other students are making, they may be spurred to work harder. Additionally, the faculty need to check the discussion board frequently to see if any misinformation is being spread, to ensure netiquette is being practiced, and to restart the conversation as needed. Finally, faculty can take questions that the students ask individually and request that the students post them on the discussion board. In that way the instructor only has to respond once, and similar inquiries can then be referred to that response. This will eve ntually build a culture in the class where the instructor is not seen as the sole source for information, and the students learn to work with each other in solving problems. Additionally, instructors can create private forums to be used to divide students into groups for class exercises or for the use of asynchronous coordination of group projects in which group members cannot all meet at the same time. The instructor can visit these public and private forums to track group progress, to encourage students to help each other to solve problems, and to provide assistance as needed after the students have tried first on their own. In the private group forums, the students are encouraged to use the board to organize group meetings, to post their research findings, and to post drafts of their work for their group members to see and make comments. The professor can encourage individual group members to post their contributions to the paper to the private forum for the other members to see and post suggestions. This would increase group collaboration in a manner that can be documented. After the group has collaborated on a draft of the project, the instructor can offer suggestions. Finally, instructors should consider requiring the groups to post progress reports on their efforts periodically during the term. These progress reports describe what the group has accomplished, what the groups plans are, if there are any problems, and if there are, how they are being addressed. The instructor should provide guidelines as to what the groups should have accomplished by the progress report dates so the students can determine if they are on track. While these reports could be submitted on paper, doing it through the discussion board makes it easier for group members to be aware of what has been submitted. Chat Rooms. With chat rooms, students can meet electronically at the same time no matter where they are, as long as they have Internet access. Each group can have its own chat room, with the instructor joining in from home or office in one of several ways. The group can meet first and then have a designated time when the instructor logs in to answer questions. The instructor can leave when the questions are answered or give the group time to discuss among themselves and then check back later. For project work, it is important that instructors periodically meet with student groups to answer questions, address problems, and provide guidance. The chat room may be a useful tool in meeting with students out of class. The students can meet with the instructor for a practice chat to get the students comfortable with the technology. The instructor can request that the groups meet with him/her several times during the term to discuss their progress. These meetings can be either in the office during office hours or during designated chat office hours, such as on Sunday nights when the instructor is at home. With traditional classes, groups should have the option to meet in person with the professor, particularly early on in the project. For those students who cannot come during office hours, the chat room provides an excellent way to interact, although instructors may want to set clear boundaries or specific hours for when they are willing to meet in the chat room. When the instructor is meeting with groups via chat, patience is needed. It can be confusing when everyone is typing in questions. While the instructor prepares an answer to one question, several more students questions can appear. The instructor needs to make it clear that he/she will discuss questions in the order in which they appear. On the other hand, there may be times when the chat room is silent while the students are preparing their questions. The instructor may want to prompt to see if there are any other questions but should give the students some time if needed. Finally, no one should log off until everyone has finished. Someone may be in the middle of preparing something to post and the silence is seen as the end of the session, or someone may have left the room for a minute and has come back to find an empty chat room. Therefore, a practice chat session may be helpful with these issues. Grading Student Use of Discussion Boards and Chat Rooms Grading student responses in both the discussion forum and chat room can present challenges. Many times there may be a group grade for a project that is then adjusted for the individual students grade base on his/her contribution to the groups project. Additionally, students may be individually graded for their participation in the course. Some students will initially shy away from using the discussion board, as they would prefer to do things the way they always have and do not want to learn a new technology. Other students, particularly those who are too shy to speak up in class, may welcome this new opportunity. It is up to the instructor to provide the incentive to become involved. While a positive attitude may help the instructor in encouraging students, making posts part of their grade, such as a portion of their participation grade, probably ensures the best results. Instructor can grade the posting on several issues: clarity of thought/grammer, quality of comments/critical thinking, and usefulness/participation in responding to other posts. In evaluating the group projects to determine individual grades, instructors often have students submit group evaluations. The information on these evaluations can be substantiated or compared to what has occurred on the groups private discussion forum and what has been documented in the progress posts. If a group member is not contribution, it is the responsibility of the group to communicate this the instructor and to attempt to deal with the problem before the final project is submitted. The use of the discussion board and chat room can be a tremendous help in tracking a groups activities. This puts more responsibility on the students to document and address the issues before it is too late. It also aids instructors in making fairer assessments of individual efforts. To better manage the communication tools, instructors should set up clear guidelines for grading, such as describing how many new posts and response posts are required per week, as well as how often the students are expected to check the discussion board. For example, the professor may want each group to submit a bi-weekly progress report on its project. The instructor may also want to review netiquette as well as set limits as to how many posts students can make on public forums to avoid overwhelming the discussion board. The instructor needs to stress that it is the quality of the posts and not the quantity that counts and provide students with feedback to encourage its proper use. Finally, the instructor can also utilize student management tools that are included in the computing platforms like WebCT to determine when and how many posts the students are making. Additionally, search commands can be used to find all the posts one student has made in order to track an individual students progress. Conclusion Teamwork and group meetings are entrenched elements of an increasingly global environment. As a result, business faculty must prepare their students, as future managers, to collaborate with groups effectively. Electronic meeting tools, such as discussion boards and chat rooms, can play a key role in that training. These tools can enhance and empower student learning and collaboration as well as increase communication and problem solving skills. By collaborating more effectively in school, students will be better prepared to collaborate effectively in the workplace (Kaiser et al. , 2000). These tools also offer additional teaching benefits. They are very useful in documenting student effort and accountability for fair contribution. They also provide a means for faculty to be conveniently accessible and to provide feedback outside of class time. Additionally, electronic tools help students learn to develop their own resources. These tools then can be a tremendous aid for faculty to address group project problems, to help their students achieve learning goals, and to provide additional teaching opportunities to interact with their students. Thus, by using electronic discussion boards and chat rooms, such as with group projects, faculty can effectively enhance their students collaborative learning. References Bobbitt, L. M. , Inks, S. A. , Kemp, K. J. , Mayo, D. T. (2000). Integrating marketing courses to enhance team-based experiential learning. Journal of Marketing Education, 22(1), 15-24. Bruce, S. M. , Hwang, T. T. (2001). Web-based teacher preparation in visual impairment: Course development, teaching, learning and quality assurance. Journal of Visual Impairment Blindness, 95(10), 609-622. Buckenmyer, J. A. (2000). Using teams for class activities: Making course/classroom teams work. Journal of Education for Business, 76(2), 98-107. Cohen, G. (1993). New approaches to teams and teamwork. In J. R. Galbraith E. E. Lawler, III (Eds. ). Organizing for the future (pp. 194-226). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Colbeck, C. L. , Campbell, S. E. , Bjorklund, S. A. (2000, January/February). Grouping in the dark: What college students learn from group projects. The Journal of Higher Education, 71(1), 60-83. Cottell, P. G. Millis, B. (1993, Spring). Cooperative learning structures in the instruction of accounting. Issues in Accounting Education, 8, 40-59. Gremler, D. D. , Hoffman, K. D. , Keaveney, S. M. , Wright, L. K. (2000). Experiential learning exercises in services marketing courses. Journal of Marketing Education, 22(1), 35-44. Jones, J. D. , Brickner, D. (1996). Implementation of cooperative learning in a large-enrollment basic mechanics class. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings [CD-Rom]. Kaiser, P. R. , Tuller, W. L, McKowen, D. (2000). Student team projects by Internet. Business Communication Quarterly, 63(4), 75-82. Maguire, S. , Edmondson, S. (2001). Student evaluation and assessment of group projects. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 25(2), 209-217. McNally, J. (1994). Working in groups and teams. In L. Thorley R. Gregory (Eds. ). Using group-based learning in higher education (pp. 113-120). London: Kogan Page. Michaelsen, L. K. (1992). Team learning: A comprehensive approach for harnessing the power of small groups in higher education. To Improve the Academy, 11, 107-122. Moore, M. (1993). Theory of transactional distance. In D. Keegan (Ed. ). Theoretical principles of distance education (pp. 22-38). New York: Rutledge. Ravenscroft, S. P. (1997). In support of cooperative learning. Issues in Accounting Education, 12(1), 187-190. Reeves, T. (1996). Relevant readings. Technology in teacher education: From electronic tutor to cognitive tool. Action in Teacher Education, 27(4), 74-78. Thorley, L. , Gregory, R. (Eds. ) (1994). Using Group-based Learning in Higher Education. London: Kogan Page. Tullar, W. L. , Kaiser, P. R. , Balthazard, P. A. (1998). Group work and electronic meeting systems: From boardroom to classroom. Business Communication Quarterly, 61(4), 53-65. Address correspondence to Jacqueline K. Eastman, Department of Marketing/Economics, College of Business Administration, Valdosta State University, Valdosta GA 31698 (e-mail: [emailprotected] edu).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Biography of Ferdinand Porsche Essay -- essays research papers

Ferdinand Porsche was born in Maffersdorf, Austria (now in the Czech Republic) on September 3, 1875. At age 18 he found a job in Vienna. While working in Vienna he audited a few courses at the technical university for the only engineering training he ever received. A few years later he took his first job in the automotive industry with Jacob Lohner. There he was involved in the design of an electric car, the Lohner-Porsche. That first car by Porsche set land speed records in Austria, speeding up to a remarkable 35 miles per hour. Later he participated in the development of a mixed car using an internal combustion engine combined with electrical power. In 1905 he won the Austrian Poetting Prize as Austria?s outstanding automotive designer. On the strength of Porsche?s earlier work he was offered a position with the Austrian division of the Daimler automobile company (today Daimler/Chrysler) as its chief designer. After several successful designs of early Mercedes he also worked on airplane engines, fire trucks, buses, wind electric generators and even an agricultural tractor. By 1923 he moved to the company?s headquarters in Stuttgart as technical director. There he developed several more very successful Mercedes models. In 1924 the Technical College of Stuttgart awarded him an honorary doctoral degree in engineering on the basis of his achievements. Since his days at Austro-Daimler he had a personal dream of a mass produced automobile which could be produced cheaply enough to be affordable for the average citizen. He made a proposal for such a car to his employers at Mercedes-Benz, but was disappointed that there was no interest at Mercedes for his plan. Irritated, he left the company. In 1931 he founded his own compa... ...h the Distinguished Service Cross. In 1965 he was presented with an honorary doctoral degree by the Vienna Technical College. In 1972 Porsche converted the company into a stock company with shares available to the public. The family, however, retained essential control with family stock holdings and seats on the board of directors. The name of the company was retained, ?Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche? but now with the addition of the letters AG (Aktiengesellschaft: stock based company). Ferry Porsche was given numerous awards for achievement. In 1984 he was presented with the title of ?Professor? by the Minister-Prà ¤sident (Chief Minister) of the state of Baden-Wà ¼rttemberg, Lothar Spath. Porsche remained as the chairman of the board of Porsche until 1990 when he retired and became the honorary chairman. Ferdinand (Ferry) Porsche died at the age of 88 on March 27, 1998. Biography of Ferdinand Porsche Essay -- essays research papers Ferdinand Porsche was born in Maffersdorf, Austria (now in the Czech Republic) on September 3, 1875. At age 18 he found a job in Vienna. While working in Vienna he audited a few courses at the technical university for the only engineering training he ever received. A few years later he took his first job in the automotive industry with Jacob Lohner. There he was involved in the design of an electric car, the Lohner-Porsche. That first car by Porsche set land speed records in Austria, speeding up to a remarkable 35 miles per hour. Later he participated in the development of a mixed car using an internal combustion engine combined with electrical power. In 1905 he won the Austrian Poetting Prize as Austria?s outstanding automotive designer. On the strength of Porsche?s earlier work he was offered a position with the Austrian division of the Daimler automobile company (today Daimler/Chrysler) as its chief designer. After several successful designs of early Mercedes he also worked on airplane engines, fire trucks, buses, wind electric generators and even an agricultural tractor. By 1923 he moved to the company?s headquarters in Stuttgart as technical director. There he developed several more very successful Mercedes models. In 1924 the Technical College of Stuttgart awarded him an honorary doctoral degree in engineering on the basis of his achievements. Since his days at Austro-Daimler he had a personal dream of a mass produced automobile which could be produced cheaply enough to be affordable for the average citizen. He made a proposal for such a car to his employers at Mercedes-Benz, but was disappointed that there was no interest at Mercedes for his plan. Irritated, he left the company. In 1931 he founded his own compa... ...h the Distinguished Service Cross. In 1965 he was presented with an honorary doctoral degree by the Vienna Technical College. In 1972 Porsche converted the company into a stock company with shares available to the public. The family, however, retained essential control with family stock holdings and seats on the board of directors. The name of the company was retained, ?Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche? but now with the addition of the letters AG (Aktiengesellschaft: stock based company). Ferry Porsche was given numerous awards for achievement. In 1984 he was presented with the title of ?Professor? by the Minister-Prà ¤sident (Chief Minister) of the state of Baden-Wà ¼rttemberg, Lothar Spath. Porsche remained as the chairman of the board of Porsche until 1990 when he retired and became the honorary chairman. Ferdinand (Ferry) Porsche died at the age of 88 on March 27, 1998.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Nursing Care Plan

Health ProblemFamily Nursing ProblemsGoal of CareObjectives of CareIntervention Plan Nursing InterventionsRationaleMethod of Nurse-Family ContactEvaluation Unhealthful lifestyle and personal habits specifically cigarette smoking as a health threat. 1. Inability to recognize the presence of the problem due to Inadequate knowledge 2. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to fear of consequences of action, specifically physical consequences 3. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the at-risk member of the family due to: A. Inadequate knowledge about the disease or health condition B. Lack of the necessary facilities, equipment and supplies for care 4. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance due to lack of knowledge of preventive measures 5. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to inadequate knowledge of community resources for health care After nursing intervention, Rusty Cacal with the help of his family members will be able to lessen the cigarettes he smokes from 10 sticks to 15 sticks a day to gradual cessation of smoking Objectives 1. After discussing the definition of cigarette smoking, the family will be able to state the meaning of cigarette smoking accurately within 3 minutes. 2. After 10 minutes of discussion, the family will be able to enumerate the components of cigarette completely in 5 minutes. 3. Given the components of cigarette, the family will be able to state at least 8 out of 11 effects of nicotine in 8 minutes. 4. Given the components of cigarette, the family will be able to state the effects of tar completely in 5 minutes 5. After discussing the effects of nicotine and tar, the family will be able to distinguish the effects of addiction in cigarette smoke within 5 minutes. 6. After 15 minutes of discussion, the family will be able to discuss 7 out of 9 management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day within 8 minutes. 7. Given a sample of a time table, the family will be able to formulate a schedule on the reduction of # of sticks of cigarette smoked per day within 20 minutes. 8. In a day-to-day basis, the clients will be able to practice the formulated schedule plan in 1 month and 2 weeks. Developmental 1. The health care provider will discuss the meaning of cigarette smoking. 2. The health care provider will enumerate the components of cigarette. 3. The health care provider will discuss the effects of nicotine. 4. The health care provider will discuss the effects of tar. 5. The health care provider will distinguish the effects of addiction in cigarette smoking. 6. The health care provider will discuss the different management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day 7. The health care provider will provide a sample of a time table. She will guide the client in formulating her schedule for 1 month 8. The HCP will monitor the clients’ compliance to the formulated schedule 1. Discussing the meaning of cigarette smoking will enable the clients to have a wide understanding about this habit and be aware that smoking contributes significantly to diseases that shortens life and is leading cause of death like heart attack, stroke, respiratory diseases which make smokers â€Å"pulmonary cripples† as in asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, recurrent infections, and cancer. *Ref: http://doh. gov. ph/tobacco/aboutsmoking. tm 2. Discussing the components of cigarettes will enable the clients to be aware of the possible effects of the listed components *Ref: http://www. knowledgebasescript. com/ emo/article-393. html 3. Discussing the effects of nicotine will enable the clients to know the medical consequences of nicotine exposure *Ref: Psychology Today Staff Originally published by Psychology Today:2002/10/10 4. Disc ussing the effects of tar will enable the clients to know how it affects their respiratory tract. *Ref: Janice A. Dye and Kenneth B. Adler; http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. ov/pagerender. fcgi? artid=475133 &pageindex=1#page 5. Discussing the effects of smoking addiction give the conclusion that there are many health effects of smoking cigarettes products and not one of them are beneficial. It's not an exaggeration; it is reality that smoking tobacco does unquestionably not only destroy client's well being but also health of acquaintances and family around her. *Ref: Winn, Jackie (2008), â€Å"No Positive Effects From Smoking Can Be Found†. September 28, 2008, from http://ezinearticles. com/? No-Positive-Effects-From-Smoking-Can-Be-Found&id=1290284 6. Discussing the different management on how to reduce the use of cigarette smoke per day increases quit rates by 30 percent. Every person who uses cigarettes should be offered at least brief advice to quit smoking. More intensive counseling and medications are even more effective and should be provided to all cigarette users willing to use them. *Ref:CORINNE G. HUSTEN, ABBY C. ROSENTHAL, MICAH H. MILTON, The Gale Group Inc. , Macmillan Reference USA, New York, Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2002 7. Providing sample time table will help the clients to guide the client in making a checklist or schedule on reducing and quitting smoking. Ref: The lung Asssociation; http://www. lung. ca/protect-protegez/tobacco-tabagisme/quitting-cesser/how-comment_e. php#list 8. Monitoring clients’ compliance to the formulated schedule will able the clients to apply their schedule and reduce the number of cigarettes thrysmoked per day *Ref:http://www. healthline. com/adamcontent/smoking-tips-o n-how-to-quit? utm_source=z_smoking_cessation&utm_medium=google&utm_campaign=adam&utm_term=how%20to%20quit%20smoking Home VisitEffectiveness: 1. Was the family able to define cigarette smoking? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 2. Was the family able to enumerate the components of cigarette? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 3. Was the family able to discuss the effects of nicotine Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 4. Was the family able to discuss the effects of tar Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 5. Was the family able to discuss the effects of addiction in cigarette smoking? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? _ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 6. Was the family able to discuss the different management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 7. Was the family able to formulate a schedule on the reduction of # of sticks of cigarette smoked per day Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Nursing Care Plan Health ProblemFamily Nursing ProblemsGoal of CareObjectives of CareIntervention Plan Nursing InterventionsRationaleMethod of Nurse-Family ContactEvaluation Unhealthful lifestyle and personal habits specifically cigarette smoking as a health threat. 1. Inability to recognize the presence of the problem due to Inadequate knowledge 2. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to fear of consequences of action, specifically physical consequences 3. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the at-risk member of the family due to: A. Inadequate knowledge about the disease or health condition B. Lack of the necessary facilities, equipment and supplies for care 4. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance due to lack of knowledge of preventive measures 5. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to inadequate knowledge of community resources for health care After nursing intervention, Rusty Cacal with the help of his family members will be able to lessen the cigarettes he smokes from 10 sticks to 15 sticks a day to gradual cessation of smoking Objectives 1. After discussing the definition of cigarette smoking, the family will be able to state the meaning of cigarette smoking accurately within 3 minutes. 2. After 10 minutes of discussion, the family will be able to enumerate the components of cigarette completely in 5 minutes. 3. Given the components of cigarette, the family will be able to state at least 8 out of 11 effects of nicotine in 8 minutes. 4. Given the components of cigarette, the family will be able to state the effects of tar completely in 5 minutes 5. After discussing the effects of nicotine and tar, the family will be able to distinguish the effects of addiction in cigarette smoke within 5 minutes. 6. After 15 minutes of discussion, the family will be able to discuss 7 out of 9 management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day within 8 minutes. 7. Given a sample of a time table, the family will be able to formulate a schedule on the reduction of # of sticks of cigarette smoked per day within 20 minutes. 8. In a day-to-day basis, the clients will be able to practice the formulated schedule plan in 1 month and 2 weeks. Developmental 1. The health care provider will discuss the meaning of cigarette smoking. 2. The health care provider will enumerate the components of cigarette. 3. The health care provider will discuss the effects of nicotine. 4. The health care provider will discuss the effects of tar. 5. The health care provider will distinguish the effects of addiction in cigarette smoking. 6. The health care provider will discuss the different management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day 7. The health care provider will provide a sample of a time table. She will guide the client in formulating her schedule for 1 month 8. The HCP will monitor the clients’ compliance to the formulated schedule 1. Discussing the meaning of cigarette smoking will enable the clients to have a wide understanding about this habit and be aware that smoking contributes significantly to diseases that shortens life and is leading cause of death like heart attack, stroke, respiratory diseases which make smokers â€Å"pulmonary cripples† as in asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, recurrent infections, and cancer. *Ref: http://doh. gov. ph/tobacco/aboutsmoking. tm 2. Discussing the components of cigarettes will enable the clients to be aware of the possible effects of the listed components *Ref: http://www. knowledgebasescript. com/ emo/article-393. html 3. Discussing the effects of nicotine will enable the clients to know the medical consequences of nicotine exposure *Ref: Psychology Today Staff Originally published by Psychology Today:2002/10/10 4. Disc ussing the effects of tar will enable the clients to know how it affects their respiratory tract. *Ref: Janice A. Dye and Kenneth B. Adler; http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. ov/pagerender. fcgi? artid=475133 &pageindex=1#page 5. Discussing the effects of smoking addiction give the conclusion that there are many health effects of smoking cigarettes products and not one of them are beneficial. It's not an exaggeration; it is reality that smoking tobacco does unquestionably not only destroy client's well being but also health of acquaintances and family around her. *Ref: Winn, Jackie (2008), â€Å"No Positive Effects From Smoking Can Be Found†. September 28, 2008, from http://ezinearticles. com/? No-Positive-Effects-From-Smoking-Can-Be-Found&id=1290284 6. Discussing the different management on how to reduce the use of cigarette smoke per day increases quit rates by 30 percent. Every person who uses cigarettes should be offered at least brief advice to quit smoking. More intensive counseling and medications are even more effective and should be provided to all cigarette users willing to use them. *Ref:CORINNE G. HUSTEN, ABBY C. ROSENTHAL, MICAH H. MILTON, The Gale Group Inc. , Macmillan Reference USA, New York, Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2002 7. Providing sample time table will help the clients to guide the client in making a checklist or schedule on reducing and quitting smoking. Ref: The lung Asssociation; http://www. lung. ca/protect-protegez/tobacco-tabagisme/quitting-cesser/how-comment_e. php#list 8. Monitoring clients’ compliance to the formulated schedule will able the clients to apply their schedule and reduce the number of cigarettes thrysmoked per day *Ref:http://www. healthline. com/adamcontent/smoking-tips-o n-how-to-quit? utm_source=z_smoking_cessation&utm_medium=google&utm_campaign=adam&utm_term=how%20to%20quit%20smoking Home VisitEffectiveness: 1. Was the family able to define cigarette smoking? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 2. Was the family able to enumerate the components of cigarette? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 3. Was the family able to discuss the effects of nicotine Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 4. Was the family able to discuss the effects of tar Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 5. Was the family able to discuss the effects of addiction in cigarette smoking? Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? _ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 6. Was the family able to discuss the different management on how to reduce the # of cigarette smoked per day Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Adequacy : Was the no. of intervention sufficient? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Appropriateness: Was the no. of intervention, setting, time table, realistic to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Acceptability: Was the intervention suitable to client situation? Yes__ No__ Why no? __ Effectiveness: 7. Was the family able to formulate a schedule on the reduction of # of sticks of cigarette smoked per day Yes__ No__ Why? Efficiency: Was the time, materials, human resources used economically? Yes__ No__ Nursing Care Plan Nursing Care Plan Assessment equals Data Collection + Analysis| Nursing Diagnosis – Actual/Potential| Nursing Goal(SMART)| Nursing Interventions/ActionsInclude Rationale/Reference| Evaluation| Female Age : 85Code status: Full Code initially but changed to DNR on 14/Jan-2012Primary diagnosis: PancytopeniaReason for Hospital Admission: Fall at home. Allergy: PenicillinMedical History: Pacemaker, Hypertension, Fall at home, Bradycardia, Hyperlipidemia. Neurological: Alert, Oriented x 4. Diet as ToleratedActivity as tolerated. Does not want to do physiotherapy.Would prefer to remain in bed. Will only move her arms and legs and adjust as needed. | Activity Intolerance related to weakness, bed rest and immobility as evidenced by client verbalizing lack of interest/desire in activity. Risk for falls related to generalised weakness and impaired mobility as evidenced by client having a history of fall in the past. Hopelessness related to failing or deteriorating physical condition as e videnced by client stating â€Å"Why god is not calling me to him†. | 1. Client will participate in daily activity with vital signs within limit in a week’s time. 2.Client will perform ADLs with some assistance, e. g. , toilets with help ambulating to bathroom, by discharge. 1. Client will not experience a fall by identifying risks that increase susceptibility to falls by the end of the day. 2. Client and caregiver will apply tactics and ways to increase safety and provide a safe home environment. 1. Client will initiate behaviours that may reduce feeling of hopelessness by the end of week. 2. Client will be hopeful verbalizing optimistic plans after she is discharged and reaches home. | 1. Record client’s vitals before and after any activity.Rationale: Variation can be caused by temporary insufficiency of blood supply (Ackley & Ladwig, 2008, p 119). 2. Administer pain medications prior to activity. Rationale: Pain restricts client from performing maximum activi ty and may worsen the movement (Ackley & Ladwig, 2008, p 120). 3. Encourage client to change position gradually, dangle, sit, stand and ambulate as tolerated. Rationale: Performing activities slowly at client’s pace and for shorter periods minimizes fatigue (Kozier, 2010, pg. 1126). 4. Teach the client systematic performance of active ROM exercises to maintain and improve joint mobility.Rationale: These activity increases muscular strength and active movement (Kozier, 2010, pg. 1147). 5. Encourage client plan activities with alternate periods or rest and activity. Rationale: Assistance in planning daily routines that maintain a balance between activity and rest may be necessary to conserve energy (Day, 2010, pg. 1744). 6. Reinforce importance of progressive exercise, emphasizing that joints are to be exercised to the point of pain and not after that. Rationale: Pain occurs as a result of joint or muscle injury.Continued stress on joints or muscles may lead to more serious dam age and limit ability to move (Gulanick &Myers, 2010, pg 136). 1. Place objects used by the client within her reach. Rationale: Client can lose balance and might fall when she is trying to get items that are out of reach (Kozier, pg 775, 2010). 2. Emphasize and educate client about the importance of nutrition especially vitamin D supplementation in relation to reducing fall risk. Rationale: Proper diet along with Vitamin D supplement raises calcium which reduces falls and falls related fractures (Best Practice Guidelines, 2005, Rec. 05). 3. Consult with other health care team members such as OT/PT to help resolve mobility issues. Rationale: Interprofessional collaboration results in a sharing of expertise to enhance the quality of patient care (Kozier, pg 776, 2010). 4. Encourage client to do exercises and activity as tolerated to maintain muscle strength and joint flexibility. Rationale: A routine of exercises such as Tai chi can enhance balance and improve overall muscle strength (Best Practice Guideline, Rec. 2. 1, 2005). 5. Educate client to stay in the lower level of house such as bedroom/washroom or everything in one floor.Rationale: Having all daily required amenities nearby will reduce client’s risk of falling. (Kozier, pg 774, 2010). 6. Increase client’s awareness by highlighting the risk factors associated with falls within home; removing unsafe objects. Rationale: Risk factors such as clutter, unsecure rugs, extra loose tripping clothing and inadequate lighting hampers the motivation for mobility (Kozier, pg 774, 2010). 1. Creating a therapeutic nurse-client relationship by listening attentively and increasing her positivity by talking about her past pleasant experiences.Rationale: Encourage client to share feeling and reflecting on past accomplishments, positive memories and significant milestones (Day, 2010, pg. 434). 2. Encourage client to become involved in activities on the unit like interacting with staff, other clients, particip ating in therapy and recreational activities. Rationale: This will help distract her mind from a preoccupation with her illness (White, 2005, pg. 1326). 3. Provide things to do when client is feeling down, like, crossword puzzle, reading books, watching TV.Rationale: This provides time to shift her attention to more creative activities, and will see the situation not so utterly and hopeless (White, 2005, pg. 1326). 4. Teach client to substitute negative self-talk with positive self-talk. Rationale: Focusing on individual’s strengths and abilities enables and support hope (Day, 2010, pg. 434). 5. Encourage client to spend increased time with family and loved ones. Rationale: Clients who live alone with no family support are more prone to hopelessness (Carpenito-Moyet, 2008, pg. 329). 6.Encourage client to engage in creative activities to tap their resources. For example, music, art, storytelling, quilting etc. Rationale: Expressive arts are framework for identifying personal s trengths (Kozier, 2010, pg. 1440). | 1. Client performs activities within daily limits of vital signs. 2. Based on the pain scale verbalized by client, pain medication is administered 30 minutes prior to the start of daily activity. 3. Client demonstrates changing of positions within her tolerance limits. 4. Client understands and demonstrates ROM exercises to improve her mobility. 5.Client discussed importance of activity and rest patterns to manage energy and prevent fatigue. 6. Client understands importance of exercise and looks forward to physiotherapist appointment and also does regular exercise at home as tolerated. 1. Nurse makes sure that client has all the necessary things in within reach before leaving the room. 2. Client understands importance of nutrition in reducing risk for fall and eats appropriately. 3. Client looks forward to Occupation/Physical Therapy appointments. 4. Client understands importance of exercise and also does regular exercise at home as tolerated. . Client verbalized a plan to make changes at home to ensure safety. 6. Client is aware of potential risk for falls and keeps home clutter free and safe. 1. Client seems positive about her life talking to health care team. 2. Client socializes with other people on the floor and looks forward to any recreational activity. 3. Client sets target to finish some part of her magazines and puzzles book before a certain time of day like before breakfast or lunch comes. 4. Client understands and verbalizes the improvement in her health rather than her initial diagnosis. 5.Client makes plans to meet with family and friends every one or two week as per everyone convenience. 6. Client keeps herself occupied either by reading books, watching TV, listening to music or knitting etc. | References (Day,R. A. , Paul, P. ,Willaims, B. , Smeltzer, S. C. , Bare, B. (2010). Textbook of Canadian Medical-Surgical Nursing (pp. 982-983). Williams & Wilkins. White, L. (2005). Foundations of nursing. Australia U nited States Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning. Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (2008). Nursing care plans & documentation, nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. 5 ed. ). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Ackley, B. J. , & Ladwig, G. B. (2008). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (8th ed. ). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Kozier, B. , Erb, G. , Berman, A. , Synder, S. , Bouchal, S. R. , & Hirst, S. (2010). Fundamentals of canadian nursing, concepts, process and practice. (2 ed. ). Toronto: Pearson Canada. Gulanick, M. , & Myers, J. L. (2010). Nursing care plans, diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. (7 ed. ). PA: Mosby.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Difference Between Wie and Als

In German,  wie  means as.   The word  als  also means as. Its no wonder that people learning German get confused between the two. Luckily, if you can memorize two simple rules then you can master the difference and continue on your way toward German fluency.   The Mistake Wie (adverb/conjunction) is often used instead of als (only a conjunction) and vice versa. For example, incorrect use might read: Er ist grÃ" §ÃŽ ²er wie sein Vater. (Intended to say: He is taller than his father.)Dieses Auto ist teurer wie mein letztes.  (Intended to say: This car is more expensive than my last one.) The correct way to phrase these sentences would be: Er ist grÃ" §ÃŽ ²er als sein Vater.Dieses Auto ist teurer als mein letztes. Whats the Difference? Though both wie and als  are used when comparing two items or people, remember that: Wie is used solely when both things compared are equalAls is used only when the items compared are unequal. Can You Say Als Wie? There is also the tendency, even among Germans, to use both als wie together in a phrase when comparing two items. For example, one popular slogan for the clothing store KiK states Besser als wie ​man denkt. (Better than you think.)Grammatically correct, this should read: Besser als man denkt. The  wie is unnecessary and incorrect.   Try This Memorization Trick So how can you remember what  wie and als stand for when comparing two things? Try this memorization trick: anders als:  different than If you remember als with the other A-word and that it means different, then you know you cannot insert als for wie, which is used when comparing two equal (not different) things.